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Check out some examples of my stuff (click the pics to view):

Online / Branded Content
Anchor 1

San Francisco Defined Contribution Plan website (proposed)

Finglas Painting website (local small business)

Red Bull Retirement Income Plan portal (2013)

Promotional landing page for America Saves Week 2012

"What Is Dollar-Cost Averaging?" (Schwab Intelligent Portfolios)

"Regular or Roth IRA? Yes, Please" (Prudential Financial)

Anchor 2
Anchor 3

To engage state employees about the "Island $avings Plan's" benefits, this presentation (for recording and animating) connected the retirement program to Hawai'ian culture and history.

Anchor 4
FUJIFILM newsletter - market volality

An e-letter offered FUJIFILM North America employees guidance on dealing with market volatility.

The Art Institue of Chicago's quarterly retirement plan newsletter provided updates, plan details and guidance.

The quarterlyTeacher$ Talk engaged readers in the K-12 education market on a range of personal-finance topics.

Anchor 5
Multimedia Campaigns

Meet Super Saver: Introduced in a Facebook contest featuring comic book-style "retirement saving villains" (with the winning entry turned into a character in an ongoing educational series), this integrated web, email and print campaign encouraged people to recognize and overcome the demons that daunted their future-funding efforts—and saw engagement and likes skyrocket for Transamerica Retirement Solutions' Facebook page.

Anchor 6

Three generations of retirement savers inspired readers of TIAA-CREF's Advance magazine.

Reader's Digest reprinted this Biography magazine profile of Dr. Paul Farmer, co-founder of Partners In Health.

This award-winning story showed it's never too late to achieve a dream.

Anchor 7
Targeted & Awareness Campaigns

Red Bull North America: Tailored to the energy drink maker's corporate culture, a highly customized series of print and electronic materials encouraged eligible employees to take advantage of the company match, "catch-up" contributions and other retirement plan benefits.

One in a series of stylized print and electronic pieces, this animated email playfully encouraged savers to consolidate.

A "Bagels for Benes" campaign bookmark reminded savers to name and update their account beneficiaries.

This direct-mail brochure pitched a new income-protection product to retirement savers.

For national 401(k) Day, a fairy tale-themed series of posters warned against wishful thinking.

A modern makeover turned a beloved American icon into a cautionary example of instant gratification in this retirement savings  email and print campaign.

This flyer advised union members to resist the urge to splurge with retirement savings.

This change-management booklet introduced a new strategy and key leaders to TIAA-CREF employees in the wake of an internal reorganization.

When recession-battered retirement plan sponsors cut a company match, this flyer encouraged employees to stay the savings course.

Book Manuscripts
Anchor 8

Selling a small or midsize business can be a labor of love—or loss. Here's what to know, whom to recruit and how to plan.

From inspiration to intentionality, a young author offers life lessons and words of wisdom well beyond her years.

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